
Preservation of Farmland and Open Spaces

It has been a focus of mine to preserve our rural character and place development where the infrastructure is. I have been in on the creation of programs which have preserved thousands of acres of Stafford’s rural land while respecting the land owners. We need to continue these successful programs which preserve our rural character and respect our farm families.

Managing Growth and Residential Development

Much of the development that has occurred has been By Right, which we can not control, or approved years ago. I have continued to implement my belief that developers must pay for the impact of the growth.

Providing Quality Education for Children

As an educator in Stafford for 26 years, my knowledge of the schools has provided the county insight and has helped bring the boards together. Stafford faces many educational challenges, such as, recruiting and keeping employees, school construction, and adapting to new technology. I continue to provide the knowledge and skills that are vital in addressing these challenges.

Supporting our Police, Fire, and Rescue

Our Sheriff Deputies and Fire and Rescue Personnel put their lives at risk every day. We must continue to provide the material and compensation they need to address the wide variety of situations they face. By doing ride a longs with these departments I have witnessed what they face and have supported them.

There are innovative schedule options that can improve the working conditions of our public safety employees. As with our teachers, retaining experienced public safety personnel is vital.


Residents have often commented that improvements have focused on the northern part of the county. I have worked to build on the actions of my predecessors to focus attention on our area’s needs. The widening of roads, water and sewer work are just the start of my efforts to continue to aid our district.

The County Budget

The county faces many competing forces – public safety, schools, parks and recreation, and the capacity of its residents to pay taxes. Every year I dive deep into the budget, looking at what is needed, offering alternatives, cutting items when appropriate, and working with other board members and staff to make the budget effective.


It is important to remember that the money raised in taxes is the people’s money. I have successfully worked to bring in new businesses to broaden our tax base, shifting the emphasis away from our residents. Working with the Commissioner of the Revenue, we updated the Senior and Disabled Tax relief on those who are on fixed incomes.